VigilEnt Security Manager 3.0
Report filter only returns 2000 results in VigilEnt Security Manager.
VigilEnt Security Manager 3.0
Report filter only returns 2000 results in VigilEnt Security Manager.
This is a known issue and has been resolved in VigilEnt Security Manager 3.0 SR1. Obtain the service release or perform the following steps as a workaround:
Close the 'VigilEnt Security Manager' application.
Click Start | Run and type regedit in the Openfield.
Within the 'Registry Editor' click HKEY_CURRENT_USER| Software | PENTASAFE | PSENTERPRISE | frmSReportDisplay.
Double click the key MaxDataWindow.
Change the value data from 2000 to 20000.
Log back into 'VigilEnt Security Manager' and filter the report again.
To obtain the service release please contact NetIQ Technical Support or by the following link:
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB32018