How do I uninstall the Windows Agent components on remote machines?
NetIQ Vulnerability Manager Agent for Windows 5.0
VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 4.0
VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.1 SP4
VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.1 SP5
VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.2
How do I uninstall the Windows Agent components on remote machines?
NetIQ Vulnerability Manager Agent for Windows 5.0
VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 4.0
VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.1 SP4
VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.1 SP5
VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.2
To uninstall VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows components remotely:
- Go to the following:
- For VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.1 SP4, 3.1 SP5, and 3.2 Start | Programs | VigilEnt Security Agent | Remote Uninstall.
- For VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 4.0 go to Start | Programs | NetIQ VigilEnt Security Agent | Remote Uninstall.
- ForNetIQ Vulnerability Manager Agent for Windows 5.0 go to Start | Programs | Netiq Vigilent Security Agents | Remote Uninstall.
- In the PentaSafe Remote Uninstall Wizard click Next. The End-user License Agreement window opens. (Skip if using NetIQ Vulnerability Manager Agent for Windows 5.0)
- Click I accept the terms in the License Agreement to accept. Next is not available until you accept the agreement. (Skip if using NetIQ Vulnerability Manager Agent for Windows 5.0)
- Click Next. The Select Software Component to uninstallon Target Computers window opens.
The following buttons are available from this screen: - Select All: lets you select all available components to uninstall.
- Unselect All: lets you Unselect all components currently selected.
- Load Settings: lets you load a previously saved component settings file.
- Choose the packages that you want to uninstall by selecting the appropriate check boxes.
- Click Next. The Select Options window opens.
- Complete the following fields:
- Reset Share Count: The share count is a value stored in the registry, associated with
every file installed on a computer. Because some software applications may use
the same files, each time an application is installed that uses a file, that file?s share
count is increased by one. This lets applications share files, preventing file duplication
and saving system resources. Select Reset Share Count to reset the share count to zero and delete the files that are being uninstalled. Leave this field unchecked to reduce the share count by one and delete the file only if the share count is zero. - Port Number: If the remote computer uses a port other than the default port (700),
type the port number in this field. - Click Next. The Add Target Computers window opens. The following methods can be used to add
target computers: - Method 1: Click Browse to display the Add Hosts window, which provides the ability
to search all accessible domains. The area in the left side of the window displays all
computers in the domain listed in the Domain Name field. You can use the option
buttons listed below the area to determine the types of computers listed. The area in
the right side of the window lists all computers to which software is to be deployed.
Use the arrow keys in the middle of the window to add or remove computers to the
deployment list. - Method 2: Click Open to display a window that lets you navigate and search for
pre-existing .ini files. You can create .ini files with lists of computers to which
components are to be deployed, instead of selecting computers individually. - Method 3: Right-click the white space below the Name column (in the left area) and
select New. Replace.
the defaulted ?Domain\Host? entry with the domain name and
computer name and/or IP address of the target computer. - Click OK. The Add Target Computers window opens with the computers that have been added.
- Click Next. The Specify Account window opens.
- Complete the following fields:
- Domain Name: Select the domain in which the administrative user account has
authority and will provide the permission to uninstall the software. - User Name: Type the user name. The default user name is the current user account on
the host computer. - Password: Type the logon password for this user account.
To uninstall software on the target computers, the account used must have
administrative permissions on those computers.Click Next. The Verify the Selections window opens. Look over your selections to confirm they are what you want to uninstall. Use the Back button to go back and make any changes. Click the Save Settings button to save the settings you just specified. A Save As window opens that lets you name the settings file and navigate to a specific location and save the file. Settings files can be accessed using the Load Settings button in the Select Software Components to Install on Target Computers window. - Click Next to uninstall the software.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB31775