Reports return data surrounded by asterisks in VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows. (NETIQKB31671)

  • 7731671
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.0

VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.0 SR2

VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.0 SR1

Reports return data surrounded by asterisks in VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows.

A value is missing in another column on the same row.


Any data that is returned with asterisks surrounding it (**data**) indicates this information is a special note.  This issue is resolved VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.0 SR1 Hot Fix 2, which can be downloaded from the following location.

VigilEnt Security Manager Support Resources Login:


The following is a list of reports that will return data indicated by asterisks:

Common Reports

  • Disabled Users
  • Group List
  • Group Membership Summary
  • Groups User is a Member of
  • Groups with No Users
  • Powerful Groups
  • Powerful Users
  • New User List
  • User Last Access Date
  • User Password Last Change Date
  • User List
  • Users in a Group
  • User Not a Member of any Group
  • User Not Logged on within X Days
  • Users with Expired Password
  • Users with Password=Username
  • Users with Weak Password
  • Users without a Password

Windows Reports

  • Internet Checkup Reports
  • Directories with Full Control for Everyone
  • File Ownership Report
  • File Permission List
  • Users Connected To Share
  • Network File Share Permission
  • Users Logged on to a Machine in Last X Days
  • Group Changes within X Days
  • Group Rights Analysis
  • Locked Out Users
  • Show User Settings
  • User Rights Analysis
  • Users Home Directory is Writable to Everyone
  • Users Sharing a Home Directory
  • Users that Cannot Change Their Password
  • Users that Have Never Logged On
  • User who are Privileged Operators
  • Users who Can Shut Down a System
  • Users whose Password will Expire within X Days
  • Users with Invalid Home Directory
  • Users with Password too Short
  • Users without a Home Directory
  • Account Policy Summary
  • Group Rights Analysis
  • Guest Account Settings
  • Locked Out Users
  • Organizational Unit Group List
  • Organizational Unit List
  • Organizational Unit User List
  • Show User Quota for a Specified Volume
  • Show User Rights
  • User Account Profile Summary
  • User Rights Analysis
  • Users Logged on to a Machine in Last X Days
  • Users who Can Take Ownership of Files
  • Users whose Password Never Expires

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB31671