How do I export the data stored in the VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 2000/NT Web Interface?
VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 2.2
The data is stored in the \inetpub\wwwroot\VSANT\data\nt4 directory. NetIQ provides data packaging through the VSANTAdmin Utility for data retrieval.
How do I export the data stored in the VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 2000/NT Web Interface?
VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 2.2
The data is stored in the \inetpub\wwwroot\VSANT\data\nt4 directory. NetIQ provides data packaging through the VSANTAdmin Utility for data retrieval.
- Click Start | Programs | VSANT | VSANTAdmin.
- On the Data Packaging tab, click Create a Package.
- Supply a Package Name.
- Select the appropriate checkbox(s) regarding Alerts.
- Supply the Destination Directory.
- Click Build Package.
To view the data package, follow these steps:
- Locate the data package (the destination directory provided above).
- Double-click the default.htm file to launch a blank Web Interface GUI.
- Select the appropriate menu options to display reports.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB31623