Vigilent Security Agent for Unix PADI shows 'Connection??' as a status. (NETIQKB31488)

  • 7731488
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


VigilEnt Security Agent for Unix 3.x

VigilEnt Security Agent for Unix 4.0

VigilEnt Security Agent for Unix 5.0

Vigilent Security Agent for Unix PADI shows 'Connection??' as a status.


Error when telneting to the agent machine on port 2620 to check the port path:

LDSO.1:uagentd:fatal:relocation error:file uagentd:symbolsnprintf:referenced symbol not found.


If the machine has this problem, run the following check:

Run the uname -a command on the agent machine.

If the server OS is listed as "SunOS Servername 5.5.1", then the Solaris machine is version 2.5.1; however,VSA for Unix agents do not support this version of Solaris. VSA for Unix supports Solaris versions 2.6 and later only.

The uname version information is a bit confusing,for example:

  • SunOS Servername 5.5.1 equals Solaris 2.5.1
  • SunOS Servername 5.6 equals Solaris 2.6
  • SunOS Servername 5.7 equals Solaris 2.7
  • SunOS Servername 5.8 equals Solaris 2.8 (or Solaris 8, as it is commonly called)

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB31488