How do I track commands executed by users with the VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries? (NETIQKB31342)

  • 7731342
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Oct-2007


How do I track commands executed by users with the VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries?

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries PSSecure

System Auditing and Reporting (SAR) 

VigilEnt Security Agent for PSAudit 7.5

Command Usage by User Report


The Command Usage by User Report requires that the User Action Auditing (AUDLVL) parameter of the user specify *CMD.  The AUDLVL parameter is changed with the CHGUSRAUD (Change User Auditing) command, which can be run from a command line.

To run the Command Usage by User Report:

  1. From a command line type PSMENU.
  2. Select PSAudit (Option 1).
  3. Select System Auditing and Reporting (Option 1).
  4. Select Security Reports Menu (Option 5).
  5. Select User and Object Reports Menu (Option 3).
  6. Select Command Usage by User (Option 1).
  7. Specify the user profile name and daterange.
  8. Run the report.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB31342