How do I prevent a user from running all iSeries reports within the NetIQ Vulnerability Manager? (NETIQKB31287)

  • 7731287
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Oct-2007


How do I prevent a user from running all iSeries reports within the NetIQ Vulnerability Manager?

VigilEnt Security Manager 4.0

VigilEnt Security Manager 3.x

NetIQ Vulnerability Manager 5.0

NetIQ Vulnerability Manager 5.5


To address this issue, complete the following steps from NetIQ Vulnerability Manager:

  1. Go to Tools.

  2. Select Task Permissions.

  3. In the Available Users and Roles, indicate the User profile.

  4. Select the AS/400 tab, and under the Default Permissions select Deny for All.

  5. Select Apply.

  6. Click OK.

From within NetIQ Vulnerability Manager follow these steps:

  1. From the pull down menu above change the view from Normal  to Advanced.
  2. Then in the left hand pane under NetIQ Vulnerability Manager select Console Permissions\Console Users
  3. Select the user name and then select the Permissions tab at the bottom right hand of the screen
  4. Select the Iseries tab and then check All of the reports in the left hand pane.
  5. Now select the Deny for All radio button on the right hand side.
  6. Now select apply and okay and this will apply the settings to this user.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB31287