Error message: 'User Profile Not Authorized to SAA' when selecting any option in System Access Analy (NETIQKB31142)

  • 7731142
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Oct-2007


System Access Analysis

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 5.4/7.0

VigilEnt Security Agent for AS/400 5.3/6.3

Error message: 'User Profile Not Authorized to SAA' when selecting any option in System Access Analysis.

Profile is not authorized to SAA.


Users must be added to the 'Maintain Users Access Authority List' to use System Access Analysis(SAA).  To add a user, refer to the following steps:

  1. Sign on to the AS/400 using 'QSECOFR' or a profile previously authorized to SAA.
  2. Type PSMENU  on the Command Line, press Enter.
  3. Select Option 2 System Access Analysis, press Enter.
  4. Select Option 8 Maintain Users Access Authority, press Enter.
  5. Type in the users ID and press Enter to update.
  6. Press F3 to exit this screen.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB31142