How do I use a custom 'in-house exit program' with Remote Request management? (NETIQKB31126)

  • 7731126
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Oct-2007


How do I use a custom 'in-house exit program' with Remote Request management?

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 7.5

VigilEnt Security Agent for PSSecure 7.5

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 5.4/7.0

Remote Request Management


Access the Work with Exit Points Screen:

  1. From the NetIQ Product Access Menu (PSMENU), select Option 2 PSSecure, click Enter.
  2. Select Option 3 Remote Request Management, click Enter.
  3. Select Option 8 Work with Exit Points, click Enter.
  4. Select Option 11=Install/Retain Exit, to install exit programs.  The RRM exit program, 'NW0001E', will be moved into the first position (1) and retain the registered customer in-house exit program in position two (2).

The decision to pass or fail the transaction will be based on the decision made by the custom in-house program.   The RRM exit program will be used to parse the transaction for writing to the Collected Entries table.  When the RRM exit program is called, it will pass the original transaction and the RRM decision to the customer exit program.  The customer exit program can keep or reverse the original RRM decision.   RRM will then enforce the decision made by the customer exit program.  To confirm that the customer exit program is in place, use Option 8 Work With Exit Points, press F11 and see the Customer Exit Program and Exit Pgm Library columns. 

Note:  To use the custom in-house program only, type the IBM command WRKREGINF and register the exit program as normal.  In this case, the RRM program will not be involved in the transaction. 

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB31126