VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 5.4/7.0
Remote Request Management
Operations Navigator Plug-In
The Run Report dialog displays saved dates in YMD format.
The requested format is to enter the date as MDY.
Operations Navigator Plug-In, Run Report dialog has problems with date parameter values and some parameter values.
1C01725 addresses two issues affecting the Plug-In to Operations Navigator. The Run Report dialog displays saved date parameter values in YMD format, but the user requests to enter the date as MDY. In both cases the date format is now YMD.
On the Common tab of the Run Report dialog, when more than one report is requested in a single Operations Navigator session, some parameter values are displayed on the second and subsequent requests shifted to the left. These parameters are now displayed correctly for each report request.
1C01728 relates to report requests run from Operations Navigator, which display saved date parameter values in a different format than the report generation program expects. Report requests that use specific date values now run properly when requested from the Plug-In for Operations Navigator. This fix has no effect on report requests submitted from another source.
Note: 1C01728 is applied first as it is a pre-requisite for 1C01725.
These PTFs are now available via the service pack, beginning with 1X03080. Please contact Technical Support to obtain the service pack.