Does Remote Request Management (RRM) have a way for me to see how the exit points are configured? (NETIQKB31095)

  • 7731095
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Oct-2007


Does Remote Request Management (RRM) have a way for me to see how the exit points are configured?

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 5.4/7.0


There is a report that will provide this information for internal use (good history) or to provide Technical Support a report of the environment. Use the following menu steps. The resulting spooled report can be e-mailed to Technical Support if requested.  

  1. Type PSMENU at the command line.

  2. Select Option 2 PSSECURE.

  3. Select Option 3 Remote Request Management.

  4. Select Option 20 Work With RRM Reports.

  5. Select Option 5 Configuration Reports.

  6. Select Option 8 Exit Point Settings Report.

  7. Run the report and attach the resulting spool file to an e-mail.

  8. Send e-mail to

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB31095