How do I change the job scheduler to Robot in Remote Request Management? (NETIQKB31049)

  • 7731049
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Oct-2007


How do I change the job scheduler to Robot in Remote Request Management?

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries PSSecure 7.0

Remote Request Management


To schedule jobs using Robot in Remote Request Management refer to the following steps:

  1. At a command line type PSMENU
  2. Select Option 2 PSSecure
  3. Select Option 3 Remote Request Management
  4. Select Option 30 Manage RRM
  5. Select Option 7 Switch Job Scheduler (IBM/ROBOT)
  6. If currently using IBM press Enter to use ROBOT.


Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB31049