How do I create report filters in Remote Request Management?
VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 5.4/7.0
Remote Request Management
How do I create report filters in Remote Request Management?
VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 5.4/7.0
Remote Request Management
To create report filters in Remote Request Management, refer to the following steps:
- At a command line type PSMENU, press Enter.
- Select Option 2 PSSecure, press Enter.
- Select Option 3 Remote Request Management, press Enter.
- Select Option 20 Work With RRM Reports, press Enter.
- Select Option 10 Work With RRM Report Filters, press Enter.
- Press F6=Add New Filter. A screen pops-up with all the different reports to choose from.
- Insert an 'X' next to the Data Source to work with, press Enter. The next screen will allow the creation of the filter name and description.
- From the Work with Filters screen place a 2=Update next to the filter just created, press Enter.
- Press F4=Select Fields to select the field name to be filtered.
- Press F10=Display Ops Codes for the operation code to use (i.e. = - Equal to).
Keep in mind that this filter will effect multiple reports based on the category (i.e. Object Reports)
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB31004