How do I create report filters in Remote Request Management? (NETIQKB31004)

  • 7731004
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 13-Sep-2007


How do I create report filters in Remote Request Management?

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 5.4/7.0

Remote Request Management


To  create report filters in Remote Request Management, refer to the following steps:

  1. At a command line type PSMENU, press Enter.
  2. Select Option 2 PSSecure, press Enter.
  3. Select Option 3 Remote Request Management, press Enter.
  4. Select Option 20 Work With RRM Reports, press Enter.
  5. Select Option 10 Work With RRM Report Filters, press Enter.
  6. Press F6=Add New Filter. A screen pops-up with all the different reports to choose from. 
  7. Insert an 'X' next to the Data Source to work with, press Enter. The next screen will allow the creation of the filter name and description.
  8. From the Work with Filters screen place a 2=Update next to the filter just created, press Enter.
  9. Press F4=Select Fields to select the field name to be filtered.
  10. Press F10=Display Ops Codes for the operation code to use (i.e. = - Equal to).

    Keep in mind that this filter will effect multiple reports based on the category (i.e. Object Reports)

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB31004