How do I tell if the Collection Monitor in Remote Request Management is started? (NETIQKB31000)

  • 7731000
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 13-Sep-2007


How do I tell if the Collection Monitor in Remote Request Management is started?

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries PSSecure 7.0

Remote Request Management


To verify if the Collection Monitor has been started perform one of the following:

  1. At a command line type WRKACTJOB.

    If the Collection Monitor is started, the subsystem 'ZPSSMON' with the 'RRMCOLLECT' job will be running.


  1. At a command line, type PSMENU.
  2. Select Option 2 PSSecure.
  3. Select Option 3 Remote Request Management.
  4. Select Option 30 Manage RRM.
  5. Select Option 5 Start/Stop RRM Collection Monitor.

    The upper right hand corner of the screen will indicate if the monitor is active or inactive.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB31000