Unable to log on via FTP after securing a transaction for the FTP Server Request Validation. (NETIQKB30990)

  • 7730990
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Oct-2007


VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 5.4/7.0

Remote Request Management (RRM)

Authorizing profile QTCP to FTP

Unable to log on via FTP after securing a transaction for the FTP Server Request Validation.

The secured transaction for the FTP Server Request Validation appears to be separate from the FTP Logon (TCPL0100).

QTCP did not have a Secured Entry permitting use of the FTPSRV_INIT operation.


QTCP must have a Secured Entry for operation, FTPSRV_INIT, in addition to the individual User Profile having the appropriate FTPSRV_XXXX entries.  This can be accomplished by either creating a Secured Entry from a QTCP Collected Entry for FTPSRV_INIT or by manually creating a Secured Entry via RRM Menu Option 1, F6=Add as illustrated below.

Op    S       User       Network         Operation               Action     Swap Prf  

__     Y       QTCP        *ALL                 FTPSRV_INIT           *PASS

Note:  Network can also be a specific IP address or a mask of an IP address, such as 10.21*.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30990