How do I apply a PTF (or CUM) related to Remote Request Management (RRM) if I encounter locks on PSC (NETIQKB30977)

  • 7730977
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 14-Aug-2007


How do I apply a PTF (or CUM) related to Remote Request Management (RRM) if I encounter locks on PSCOMMON/TSUXF?  

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries

VigilEnt Security Agent for AS/400 PSSecure 6.3

Exit programs were removed and Option 8 used to cycle.

IBM OS Version V5R1 was the first OS release requiring that subsystem, QUSRWRK, be cycled instead of, or in addition to, QSERVER.

RRM Menu Option 8 does not cycle QUSRWRK unless PTF 1C00085 has been applied. Until 1C00085 is obtained and applied, manually end and restart QUSRWRK after removal and installation of exit programs. This will end pre-start jobs and release the lock on TSUXF. Once the PTF is applied, RRM Menu Option 8 will check the OS version and cycle either QSERVER and/or QUSRWRK, whichever is appropriate to the OS installed.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30977