Fact: NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries 8.0
Fact: PSDetect (PSD)
Fact: NetIQ Secure Configuration Manager
Fact: VigilEnt Security Manager 3.x
Symptom: Alerts are not being sent to Secure Configuration Manager console when using PSCOMMON/PSESNDALR command on a filter in PSDetect.
Cause: Some possible causes are:
- The MSGTEXT substitution parameter value of the PSESNDALR command is not enclosed in quotes as follows: MSGTEXT('$MSGTEXT').
- The Enterprise Server parameter (SERVER) in PSCOMMON/PSESNDALR is not pointing to the correct IP address where Core Services resides.
- NetIQ Secure Configuration Manager (SCM) Core Services is not running.
Fix: To resolve this issue please refer to the following:
- In PSDetect, find the COMMAND actions for the various message queue filters and verify that the MSGTEXT substitution parameter value of the PSESNDALR command is enclosed in quotes as follows: MSGTEXT('$MSGTEXT').
- Confirm that within PSCOMMON/PSESNDALR the parameter "Enterprise Server " is pointing to the correct IP address where SCM Core Services resides.
To verify this information on the iSeries, access a Command Line and perform the following steps:
- Type PSMENU , press Enter.
- Select Option 70 Utilities menu, press Enter.
- Select Option 3 VigilEnt Agent Access Control, press Enter.
- Confirm that the IP Address for the Core Services is in the list.
- To confirm that SCM Core Services is running:
- Double-click My Computer on your PC.
- Double-click Control Panel.
- Double-click Administrative Tools.
- Double-click Services.
- SCM Core Services should be displayed in the Services Window with a status of Started.
- If SCM Core Services is not started, right-click Secure Configuration Manager Core Services and select Start.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB30905