How do I monitor which users are accessing a specific object? (NETIQKB30895)

  • 7730895
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 18-May-2007


How do I monitor which users are accessing a specific object?

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries

I am able to determine when an object was last used, but not who last used it.


There are two possible reports that offer this information (see prerequisite below). From a command line, follow these steps:

  1. PSMENU, and press Enter.

  2. Option 1 PSAudit, and press Enter.

  3. Option 1 System Auditing and Reporting, and press Enter.

  4. Option 5 Security Reports Menu, and press Enter.

  5. Option 3 User and Object Reports Menu, and press Enter.

  6. Options: 7 Objects Accessed (Changed) and/or Option 8 Objects Accessed (Read).

    Note:There is a prerequisite. The Object Auditing (OBJAUD) parameter of the object must specify *CHANGE (for Option 7) or *ALL (for Option 8).

  7. To monitor who is changing it and who is reading it, set the parameter to *ALL, and run both reports. Once this change is made, the activity will start being logged.

For more detailed information about changes, Data Auditing and Reporting (DAR) could be used to turn on logging for the specific file and field(s).

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30895