What is file, P715893/AAPF7707, used for and can it be deleted? (NETIQKB30889)

  • 7730889
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 18-May-2007


What is file, P715893/AAPF7707, used for and can it be deleted?

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 5.4/7.0

VigilEnt Security Agent for AS/400 5.3/6.3

File AAPF7707 is used to load a list of users authorized to objects. VigilEnt creates library 'P' + job number on the fly and creates file AAPF7707  in the library. The VigilEnt iSeries product should delete the file and library after the job is finished. The file and library will reside on the machine if the job producing the report did not end properly. It is okay to delete the file manually.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30889