How do I configure Profile and Password Synchronization? (NETIQKB30868)

  • 7730868
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 18-May-2007


How do I configure Profile and Password Synchronization?

Profile and Password Management (PPM)

NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries

PSSecure 8.0

NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries 8.0


1.  Make sure System Value QPWDVLD program is set to ZPPVP in library PSSecure. This can be done by selecting the following options:

  • Option 2 PSecure
  • Option 2 Profile and Password Management
  • Option 4 AS/400 System Values
  • In the Password Validation program field indicate ZPPVP

2.  Select Option 8 Profile Synchronizer Installation.  This option will perform the following:

  • Create job description, PENTAZP, in library PSSecure
  • Create user profile and messag equeue PENTAZP
  • Change the network attribute for the "job action" to *SEARCH
  • Add network job entries for user named in step 2
  • Add system distribution directory entries for user named in step 2
  • Add user profile exit programs

3.  Select Option 4 Profile Synchronizer Defaults and in the following fields indicate a "Y" next to the changes that are desired.

  • Receive and apply profile changes
  • Send user profile changes
  • Receive and apply password changes
  • Send password changes

4.  Select Option 2 Distributed Syhstems and specify the names of the systems to and from which you will be distirbuting and receiving profile and password changes.

5.  Select Option 1 Profiles to Exclude.  On this secreen indicate the profiles that are not to be synchronized.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30868