Journal will not show on the 'Work With Files' screen. (NETIQKB30726)

  • 7730726
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Oct-2007


VigilEnt Security Agent for AS/400 5.3/6.3

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 5.4/7.0

Data Auditing and Reporting (DAR)

Journal will not show on the 'Work With Files' screen.


Check to be sure the file is, in fact, being journaled.

  1. Use command, DSPFD, and look for "File is currently journaled" to be set to "Y".

  2. Make note of the current journal and library.

  3. If the flag is "N", then the file will be on the list but the Being Journaled and Journal fields will not populate.

Also, from the initial Data Auditing and Reporting (DAR) screen, use F11 System Menu, and then Option 1 Work with Journals. Confirm that the journal being used is listed and add it if it is not, using option 1=Add.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30726