Error: AA2003R in program PSATRAV/AA2003R performed an arithmetic operation which resulted in a val (NETIQKB30676)

  • 7730676
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 02-Nov-2007


AuditExpress for AS/400 5.3

AS/400 AuditExpress

Error: "AA2003R in program PSATRAV/AA2003R performed an arithmetic operation which resulted in a value that is to large" found in job QDOC.

This is a problem with the Database load in AS/400 AuditExpress 5.3


To resolve the error please refer to the following workaround:

  1. At a Command Line type CHGDTAARA PSATRAV/PSALOAD and change the following fields:
    • Substring starting position to 300
    • Substring length to 1
    • New value to E
  2. At a Command Line type CHGDTAARA PSATRAV/PSALOAD and change the following fields:
    • Substring starting position to 301
    • Substring length to 10
    • New value to QDOC

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30676