How do I uninstall version 5.2/6.2 of the PentaSafe product from my AS/400? (NETIQKB30635)

  • 7730635
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 05-Nov-2007


How do I uninstall version 5.2/6.2 of the PentaSafe product from my AS/400?

VigilEnt Security Agent for AS/400 5.2/6.2


The instructions are found in the 5.2/6.2 Quick Start Guide, Appendix 2. They are also noted below.

Warning: PentaSafe Exit Programs must be removed before uninstalling the product. Read all instructions before beginning.

To remove the Exit programs, follow these steps:

  1. From the PSMenu, select Option 2 (PSSecure).

  2. Select Option 3 (Remote Request Management).

  3. Select Option 7 (Remove all Exit Programs).

  4. Select Option 8 (Restart *FILE & *DATABASE servers).

Note: This will also cycle the QSERVER subsystem.

To uninstall a PentaSafe product follow these steps:

  1. Type the following on a command line and press Enter.


  2. Type the number 4 next to each product that is to be uninstalled and press Enter.

The following additional steps apply only to uninstall PSAudit-400's System Auditing and Reporting component:

  1. If security auditing was not active prior to using System Auditing and Reporting (Auto Audit), and you want to stop auditing, change the system values, QAUDCTL and QAUDLVL to *NONE

  2. From a command line, type CHGSYSVAL.

  3. The security journal and receivers may be deleted after changing QAUDCTL and QAUDLVL to *NONE.  Use the following commands:

    (reply 'I' to inquiry msg)

  4. If PSSecure-400's Profile and Password Management component has been uninstalled, and the system value, QPWDVLDPGM, specifies ZPPVP, then change it to *NONE

  5. From a command line, type CHGSYSVAL.

  6. Library PSINSTAL may be deleted after all components have been uninstalled. Additionally, related objects in library QGPL may be deleted.  Use the following commands:


  7. Delete all PSMENU* and PSINSTALL* objects and PSVER* data areas.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30635