Version 5.3/6.3 PTFs for product 1I00002, 4 and 5 will not apply. (NETIQKB30631)

  • 7730631
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 05-Sep-2008


VigilEnt Security Agent for AS/400 5.3/6.3

Version 5.3/6.3 PTFs for product 1I00002, 4 and 5 will not apply.

First, remove the three PTFs permanently and then replace them. If the save files for them are still in library QGPL on the iSeries machine, they can be loaded and applied again once they are first removed using the command to follow. If the save files do not exist or there is a desire to replace them with a new copy, either contact Technical Support to have the PTFs e-mailed or download them from the support section of

  1. Use the following command:

    Remove Program Temporary Fix (RMVPTF)

  2. Type the following choices, and press Enter.

  3. If this fails, remove them one at a time beginning with the lowest number (1I00002). When replacing the PTFs, begin with the lowest number and work up to the highest (1I00005 in this example).

  4. If this still does not resolve, it may be necessary to remove Licensed Program (1PSI001), and replace it using the Base Install CD, followed by all PTFs.

    Warning! Do not attempt this for any of the other PentaSafe or NetIQ Licensed Programs. Contact Technical Support.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30631