What Oracle INIT parameters are used by the VigilEnt Security Agent for Oracle product?
VigilEnt Security Agent for Oracle 1.0
VigilEnt Security Agent for Oracle 1.0 SR1
VigilEnt Security Agent for Oracle 1.0 SR2
VigilEnt Security Agent for Oracle 1.0 SP3
VigilEnt Security Agent for Oracle 1.0 SP4
There are four Oracle INIT parameters used by the VigilEnt Security Agent for Oracle product. The parameter names are:
- Job_queue_processes
- Job_queue_interval
- Audit_trail
- Compatible
Only the VigilEnt Audit Manager for Oracle product uses the "Compatible" parameter, while the VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle product requires the other three parameters.
Compatible is the value used by Oracle to determine the level of backwards compatibility that it will allow. The VigilEnt Audit Manager for Oracle product supports a feature known as "SELECT" auditing that is available in Oracle versions 8i and above. This parameter must be set to a value of "8.1.6" or higher for this feature to be available.
Job_queue_processes is the number of Oracle jobs that are allowed to be running at the same time within the Oracle database instance. This is an integer value that should be adjusted based on the total number of actual Oracle jobs that might need to run at the same time. The VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle can require up to "4" Oracle jobs running at the same time, so this is the suggested default value.
Job_queue_interval is the amount of time, in seconds, that will pass before Oracle will check to see if an Oracle job should be running. A default value of "60" is suggested.
Audit_trail is the Oracle parameter that lets Oracle know it should record auditing information. This parameter along with the issuing of the SQL command "audit connect" allows the VigilEnt Password Manager product to detect "Breakins". The "audit connect" command tells Oracle to record the "login" and "log failure" information about each user into the Oracle audit trail table (sys.aud$).