Error: 'Vendor Initialization failed, Alias: database.' (NETIQKB30575)

  • 7730575
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 17-Oct-2007


VigilEnt Database Security Manager for Oracle 3.3 SR3

VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle 5.0

Error: 'Vendor Initialization failed, Alias: database.'

SQL*Net could not find the alias specified for a connection in the TNSNAMES.ORA file or other naming adapter.


The primary solution for this issue is to set the proper Oracle DLL in the "Vendor INIT" parameter of the BDEAdmin.exe. This is the Borland Database Engine Administrator tool provided with the software. The proper DLL is usually the highest version found in the Oracle_Home\Bin directory (i.e. "ORA73.DLL" is the default, "ORA734.DLL", "ORA805.DLL" or "ORACLIENT8.DLL" for 8i dbs).

To Configure the BDE:

  1. Click Start Search | for Files or Folders from the Windows Start menu.
  2. Specify ora*.DLL in the 'Named' field.
  3. Click FIND NOW.  The output will likely be a single file name resembling ORA7x.DLL .  Make note of the DLL name that is displayed, you will need it for the next step. 
  4. Exit the Find File utility.
  5. BDE was installed during your Audit Manager setup.  In your START menu, you should see a BDE icon. You can also find this icon in c:\program files\borland\common\BDE directory.
  6. Double-click the BDE icon and select Oracle from the Driver Name list on the left.
  7. For the 'VENDOR INIT' parameter, specify the name of the .DLL file identified in step 3.
  8. Exit the 'BDE configuration' and click YES when prompted to save changes.
  9. Verify that the proper Oracle_Home is in the OS PATH setting. This PATH might be a remote drive used to run the SQLnet connection software.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30575