What Peoplesoft 3-tier Application Server configurations are required when integrating the VigilEnt (NETIQKB30563)

  • 7730563
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


What Peoplesoft 3-tier Application Server configurations are required when integrating the VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle with Peoplesoft?

VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle 6.x

VigilEnt Security Agent for Oracle 1.x

There are two parameters in the Peoplesoft 3-tier Application Server that should be checked for configuration. The "LogFence" and "Validate Signon with Database" parameters must be set as follows.

This value is documented in the "PeopleSoft Integration" Appendix of the VigilEnt Password Manager User Guide.

"Validate Signon with Database=0"
This is an undocumented parameter that has been found to cause issues, if it is set to a value of "1".

Sample of Peoplesoft application server configuration file.

; Logging detail level
; Level Type of information
; ----- -------------------
; -100 - Suppress logging
; -1 - Protocol, memory errors
; 0 - Status information
; 1 - General errors
; 2 - Warnings
; 3 - Tracing Level 1 (default)
; 4 - Tracing Level 2
; 5 - Tracing Level 3

; Use the database for additional signon authentication.
; The default value is zero.
Validate Signon with Database=0

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30563