How do I verify that VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle is working properly? (NETIQKB30559)

  • 7730559
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


How do I verify that VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle is working properly?

VigilEnt Security Agent for Oracle 1.x

VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle 6.x


The following items verify that VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle is working properly.

  1. Verify all database objects are valid.
    • SQLCQR owned objects including "SQLCQR_VERIFY_FUNCTION".
    • SYS owned objects as they relate to the PIPES and JOBS packages.
    • The PSOPRDEFN table owned by SYSADM is accessible to SQLCQR(INSERT, UPDATE).
  2. Verify that the UNIX process for "PeopleSoft 3-tier Breakins" is running(grep).
  3. Verify that the "Pwd Listener" and "Audit Scanner" processes are running at the set intervals(console).
  4. The "Pwd Listener" will show as a session in V$session and as a pipe in V$DB_PIPES.
  5. Verify that the Oracle Profiles are "SQLCQR enabled"(console).
  6. Check the Error & Log tab for any new error messages.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30559