What are the values used to describe the account 'STATUS' within VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracl (NETIQKB30550)

  • 7730550
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


What are the values used to describe the account 'STATUS' within VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle?

How do I set an account status to 'ACTIVE'?

VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle 6.x

VigilEnt Security Agent for Oracle 1.x


There are 5 account status values in Oracle. They are "OPEN", "LOCKED", "LOCKED (timed)", "EXPIRED & LOCKED" and "EXPIRED" as found in the "SYS.DBA_USERS" view. A comparison of the Oracle "SYS.DBA_USERS" view with information from the "SQLCQR.SQLCQR_USERDATA" table will determine the values seen in the VigilEnt Password Manager console for "STATUS". There are 13 account status values in VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle. The status names and reasons are listed below. The guidelines for resetting passwords are: Oracle versions 8.0.x and up require only the Oracle password to be "Unlocked".  For older versions of Oracle or the PeopleSoft Add-on components, an administrative password change would also be required.

  • Active = Account status is Open.
  • Locked = Account status is Locked due to an Oracle Profile attribute.
  • Breakin! (not locked) = Account has exceeded the value for VPMO v6 "Notify Breakin Threshold".
  • Locked/BREAKIN (timed) = Account is locked due to the Oracle Profile setting for "FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS".
  • Locked/Expired = Account is locked due to the VPMO v6 template attribute "Account Expiration".
  • Locked/Pwd Expired = Account is locked due to the VPMO v6 attribute for "Disable PWD Life Time".
  • Locked/Unused Account = Account is locked due to the VPMO v5 template attribute for "Dormant Days Til Stale".
  • Locked/By Operator = Account has been locked by an administrator.
  • Locked/On Hold = Account has been temporarily locked by an administrator.
  • Locked/Dormant = Account is locked due to the VPMO v6 template attribute for "Dormant Days Til Stale".
  • Locked/Pwd Foreign = Account is locked due to the VPMO v5 template attribute for Foreign passwords.
  • Pwd Expired & Locked = Account is locked and expired due to Oracle Profile attribute.
  • Pwd Expired = Account is expired due to an Oracle Profile attribute.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30550