The 'pwd listener' scanner process will not start. (NETIQKB30528)

  • 7730528
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle 5.0

VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle 6.x

VigilEnt Security Agent for Oracle 1.x

The 'pwd listener' scanner process will not start.

There could be several reasons for this type of behavior.  A few simple checks will help indicate the cause. 

  1. Has the Oracle INIT parameter for 'Job_queue_processes' been changed? This setting should be set to at least four, and we recommend increasing this value if other programs use Oracle jobs. The following SQL can help check for this.

    Select name, value from v$parameter where name = '%job%';

  2. Has a back up or restore been completed on this database? If so, it is possible the 'pwd listener' pipe within Oracle was orphaned during this process. The SQLCQR 'USER_ID' must match the 'OWNERID' of the Oracle pipe. If it does not, the Oracle pipe has been orphaned. The SQL below can help check for this.

    Select ownerid, name from sys.v_$db_pipes;
    Select user_id, username from sys.dba_users where username = 'SQLCQR';
    Select username, action, module from sys.v$session where username = 'SQLCQR';

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30528