Error: 'ORA-08103 object no longer exists.' (NETIQKB30514)

  • 7730514
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle 5.0

VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle 6.x

VigilEnt Security Agent for Oracle 1.x

Error: 'ORA-08103 object no longer exists.'

The Audit scanner process in VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle is recording an error.

The Audit scanner process in VigilEnt Password Manager for Oracle reads from several Oracle objects. Specifically, the "sys.aud$"(table), "sys.dba_users"(view) and "sqlcqr.sqlcqr_userdata"(table) within the Oracle database are read. If for any reason one of these objects became unavailable to the Audit scanner, this type of message could be expected. The Audit scanner process is an Oracle job, owned by the SQLCQR user.

  1. Verify that all three Oracle objects exist:
    • sys.aud$
    • sys.dba_users
    • sqlcqr.sqlcqr_userdata
  2. Ensure the "sys.aud$" has not been truncated while the "Audit" scanner process was running.

If either case is TRUE, that would be the cause of this Oracle error message.  For case 1, restore the object from backup if needed.  For case 2, make sure the "Audit" scanner process has completely finished before scheduling any Oracle database maintenance.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB30514