How do I remove or change the old Consolidator name on agents? (NETIQKB29929)

  • 7729929
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 28-Sep-2007


How do I remove or change the old Consolidator name on agents?

Security Manager 4.X

Security Manager 3.X


Follow these steps using a registry editor on each Agent that is pointing to an old or unavailable Consolidator:

  • Stop the OnePoint service on the agent.
  • Open the registry with a registry editor.
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mission Critical Software\OnePoint\Configurations\<Configuration Group Name>\Operations\Agent\Consolidators.
  • Modify the Consolidator 1 Host string value with the new Consolidator name in the right pane. Also, if you have multiple Consolidators then make sure that Consolidator 1 Host, Consolidator 2 Host, Consolidator 3 Host and so on entries refer to correct names.
  • Close the registry editor and start the OnePoint service.

NOTE: Be careful when editing your Windows NT Registry. If there is an error in your registry, your computer may become nonfunctional. You should have a current backup of your registry before attempting any changes.


For additional information about troubleshooting and resolving problems with orphaned\old Agents or Central Computer (DAS, Consolidator and Agent Manager) or Configuration Group, see knowledgebase article:

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB29929