Directory and Resource Administrator 6.50
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Workstations are being imported when the Reporting Tool is configured to only import resource information for servers.
The Reporting Tool is configured to import resource information with the 'Servers only' option selected on the Resources tab. However, the Reporting Tool is gathering information from Workstations.
If the computer is unavailable, the default computer type that is returned is TYPE_SERVER_NT "Unavailable Server". The Reporting Tool should not be trying to import anything else from unavailable computers.
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.50
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Workstations are being imported when the Reporting Tool is configured to only import resource information for servers.
The Reporting Tool is configured to import resource information with the 'Servers only' option selected on the Resources tab. However, the Reporting Tool is gathering information from Workstations.
If the computer is unavailable, the default computer type that is returned is TYPE_SERVER_NT "Unavailable Server". The Reporting Tool should not be trying to import anything else from unavailable computers.
The following changes can be made to the Reporting Tool so that the import process does not gather information regarding unavailable computers:
- Launch the Reporting Tool.
- Select Enter Design Mode from the File menu.
- Select Modules from the Objects list.
- Select the Import module from the list and click Design.
- Select ImportEaComputers from the (Declarations) drop down menu.
- In the Import module, and in the ImportEaComputers() function, change the following two lines of code:
If bJustComputers Or Not bIsAvailable Then
If sMcsClass = "Computer" ThenTo this:
If bJustComputers Or Not bIsAvailable Then
If False And sMcsClass = "Computer" Then- Select Save OaRept from the File drop down menu.
- Select Close and Return to Microsoft Access from the File drop down menu.
- Select Exit from the File drop down menu to close the Reporting Tool.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB29569