How do I have custom ADM templates automatically added to a GPO when I create a new GPO?
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 3.0
A ticket is opened to development to add the ability to Copy/Paste ADM templates in the Administrator node which is being considered in a future release
How do I have custom ADM templates automatically added to a GPO when I create a new GPO?
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 3.0
When you do a Copy/Paste operation in the Administrator node, the custom ADM templates do not get copied to the target GPO. This can be done using either of the following methods:
In the Administrator node use the Backup/Import functionality.
- In the Administrator node create a template GPO and apply all the desired ADM templates.
- Under the Administrator node highlight the Domain node.
- Click the Backup link in the right hand pane.
- Make a Backup Copy of the template GPO making sure to select all settings for the GPO Backup Options.
- After creating the new GPO, right-click,and select Import.
- Select the template GPO backup directory from Step 4 and import the settings.
In the Repository use the copy/paste functionality.
- Create a template GPO and add the additional desired ADM templates.
- After creating a new GPO, select the template GPO in the Repository, right-click and select Copy.
- Select the target GPO in the Repository, right-click and select Paste.
A ticket is opened to development to add the ability to Copy/Paste ADM templates in the Administrator node which is being considered in a future release
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB29467