VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.2
Event Log ID: 'ID=4011; Source: VSAforWindows General message:null' received in event log.
The null "error" is written to the event log by VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows because the agent contains debug code, which only works in Console Mode (For example: System.out.println(...)). For an unknown reason, the message also gets written in the event log during service mode. This is controlled by Java Virtual Machine and does not happen on every machine.
This message does not indicate an error in the VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows software and will no longer be displayed with version 5.0 and later of the Windows agent.
VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.2
Event Log ID: 'ID=4011; Source: VSAforWindows General message:null' received in event log.
The null "error" is written to the event log by VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows because the agent contains debug code, which only works in Console Mode (For example: System.out.println(...)). For an unknown reason, the message also gets written in the event log during service mode. This is controlled by Java Virtual Machine and does not happen on every machine.
This message does not indicate an error in the VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows software and will no longer be displayed with version 5.0 and later of the Windows agent.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB28899