NetIQ AppManager 7.x
NetIQ AppManager 6.0.x
NetIQ AppManager 6.0.x
Error: Failed to register PrimaryMSHost as Primary MS BackupMSHost as Backup MS. Not in AllowMS list.' generated by 'AMAdmin_SetPrimaryMS' Knowledge Script on Microsoft Windows 2000 servers.
AMAdmin_SetPrimaryMS job successfully runs on Windows NT 4.0 Servers but not on Windows 2000 Servers.
AMAdmin_SetPrimaryMS job successfully runs on Windows NT 4.0 Servers but not on Windows 2000 Servers.
Enter the Management Server Primary and Backup hostnames as all lowercase in the Knowledge Script values tab.
Knowledge Script values for Primary and Backup Management Server hostnames were entered as Mixed Case. The AllowMS registry key values on all agent machines were entered as all lower case. This was ignored on Microsoft Windows NT, but was a problem on Microsoft Windows 2000.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB28143