What is the syntax to rename a user account using the Command Line Interface?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
The following example for renaming the SAMAccountName and the FullName fields for a user account, must be run from the \Program Files\NetIQ\DRA or the \Program Files\EA prompt (depending on the Administration product in use) on a computer with the CLI installed:
EA USER userid UPDATE NAME:New_SAMAccountName FullName:New_FullName
To rename a user account (SAMAccountName field) for multiple user accounts based on a list of user names the following command may be used:
FOR /F "TOKENS=1-2 DELIMS=," %1 IN (C:\path to text file) DO EA USER %1 UPDATE:SAMAccountName %2
The text file must include both the old as well as the new usernames in the following format:
old_username, new_username
old_username, new_username
old_username, new_username
old_username, new_username