AMAdmin_DeleteExpiredReports KS error: Number: 451; Description: Object not a collection; (NETIQKB27493)

  • 7727493
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 17-Apr-2012


AppManager 5.x
AppManager 6.x
AppManager 7.x


AMAdmin_DeleteExpiredReports KS error: Number: 451; Description: Object not a collection; Comment: Report deletion loop.; Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error


This error can also occur if the base output path is set to use a UNC path and not a local path to the report output folder in the registry.

You can correct this issue with one of two methods:

  1. If the different server is another Report Agent:  Drop the AMAdmin_DeleteExpiredReports script on that server instead

  2. Update the Registry information depending upon the verrson of AppManager you have:
    for AppManager versions 6.x and 7.x: 

    HKLM > Software > NetIQ > Common > AMREPORTS

    Use the drive letter designation such as d:\NetIQ\AppManager\Web\Report 
    for AppManager version 5.0 and 5.0.1:

    HKLM > Software > NetIQ > Common > AMREPORTS > BaseOutputPath: set to \\<machinename>\d$\NetIQ\AppManager\Web\Report

    Use the drive letter designation such as d:\NetIQ\AppManager\Web\Report


The Report agent where the KS is being dropped is writing the reports to a different IIS server.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB27493