Perflib error 1015: The timeout waiting for the performance data collection NetIQmc in the mccnt.dl (NETIQKB27254)

  • 7727254
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 09-Dec-2010


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x


The following event appears in the Windows Application Event Log:

Source: Perflib
EventID: 1015
The timeout waiting for the performance data collection function "NetIQmc" in the "C:\Program Files\NetIQ\AppManager\bin\mccnt.dll" Library to finish has expired. There may be a problem with this extensible counter or the service it is collecting data from or the system may have been very busy when this call was attempted.


This extensible counter is NOT required to be loaded in order for the AppManager agent to function properly. It is merely installed for troubleshooting purposes. Any errors generated by PerfLib, referencing this extensible counter (mccnt.dll) can usually be ignored.

In general, the Windows operating system will automatically disable any extensible counter DLL that it is unable to reliably load. The following Microsoft KnowledgeBase article explains how and why Windows may disable a counter, and how to manually re-enable that counter:;EN-US;Q248993

The following Microsoft KnowledgeBase article lists ALL possible Performance Library (perflib) errors that can be generated with respect to a given extensible counter.;EN-US;226494

The following Microsoft KnowledgeBase article contains additional tips and tricks for troubleshooting these errors:;en-us;Q152513

The following Microsoft KnowledgeBase article outlines performance problems with PerfMon counters which have been resolved by Microsoft in Windows 2000 SP 4.;[LN];330259


This message may occasionally appear when the AppManager agent or the Windows machine itself is too busy to service the request from Performance Monitor.  This is not a catastrophic error, and may result only in loss of a single data point within PerfMon.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB27254