Unable to collect data from UNIX agent. (NETIQKB26312)

  • 7726312
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 04-Sep-2008


Security Manager 4.X

Unable to collect data from UNIX agent.

Incorrect IP address of the UNIX Logging Host.


To change the IP address, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the NETIQmod.ini file located in the /netiq/security/bin/templates directory where you installed the NetIQSec-sparc-sol8+.pkg. Change the name or IP address after the 'listener_name' record.
  2. Run the following commands at the prompt to restart the daemon:

 /ect/init.d/netiqmod stop

/etc/init.d/netiqmod start

NOTE:  Ensure you also include the UNIX logging host in the UNIX Logging Hosts computer group on the Security Manager contral computer. To include UNIX logging hosts, launch and follow instructions in the 'Getting Started' Wizard.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB26312