How do I implement a secure, custom-menu environment in VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware? (NETIQKB26154)

  • 7726154
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 07-Feb-2008


How do I implement a secure, custom-menu environment in VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware?

VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware 2.2

VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware 2.1


To implement a secure, custom-menu environment, perform the following steps:

  1. Create cross-reference information. For instructions, refer to the following knowledge base article:

  2. Create users by using the Build User Master File function (F20) on the Manage Environment screen (PJ2100T1), or create them using the manual process.

  3. Build default authority information from existing custom menus by using selection Option 43 on the VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware screen (PJ2090T1). Using existing information from custom menus, this option builds default authority information for every user defined in a specified environment based on each user's initial menu. During the process, a tree is constructed that shows all possible paths from a specified initial menu. The user will be authorized to use all programs that can be accessed through these paths.

  4. Build soft-coded function key security by using selection Option 41 on the VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware screen (PJ2090T1).

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB26154