What steps do I need to do before I start using VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware? (NETIQKB26152)

  • 7726152
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


What steps do I need to do before I start using VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware?

VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware 2.1

VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware 2.2


Before you start using VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Verify the operating environment
  • Collect initial data

Verifying the Operating Environment

To ensure that you have the correct operating environment for VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware, verify that the following requirements have been met:

  • J.D Edwards software version 7.3 or later has been installed.
  • You have some J.D. Edwards data in your environment before you start using VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware. To use VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware, you must have created at least one record of J.D. Edwards data.
  • VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware version 2.1 or later has been installed.

Collecting Initial Data

To ensure that you have an appropriate set of initial data to start using VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware, perform the following steps in your environment:

  1. Define at least one environment. An environment is a library list that is specified by the following fields:

    • Library - The library containing the environment master file (F0094).

    • Environment - The record within the specified environment master file that contains a library list. You can define environments manually or by issuing the Build
      Environment Master File function (F21=BldEnvMF) on the VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware screen.

  2. Define source file mappings.
    Source file mappings must be defined before you execute the Build Program Cross-Reference function (step 3, below) to determine the actual locations of source files. Source file location errors often occur when objects are moved into production environments and the source files are copied, instead of copying the source files and then recompiling the object.

    To define source file mappings, press function key F18 (SrcFMppng) on the VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware screen. After source file mappings are defined and you have executed the Build Program Cross-Reference function, error messages are generated for any source members that are not found. Coordinated use of these two functions provides a good reference for determining source file mappings that have not been defined.

  3. Build program cross-reference.
    For each environment, execute the Build Program Cross-Reference function by typing selection option 20 (BldPgmXRef) on the VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware screen and pressing Enter. This function lists, in alphabetical order, every library in the library list for the selected environment.

    Note: Not every library listed contains programs that need to be cross-referenced. Ensure that cross-reference information is built for the programs in the JDFOBJ library and those in the custom object libraries. Beside each object library displayed is the latest date when it was refreshed or updated. For each object library shown, you can refresh (replace) the cross-reference or update (re-establish) the cross-reference using the source files for all objects that were compiled on or after the indicated date.

  4. Build menu cross-reference.
    Execute the Build Menu Cross-Reference function for each environment (even if common libraries or common menu files are shared) by typing selection option 30 (BldMnuXRef) on the VigilEnt Security Agent for WorldSoftware screen, and pressing Enter.

  5. Create environment driver file.
    To improve performance, this file links the Program Cross-Reference file and the Menu Cross-Reference file for a selected environment. It is executed automatically when the Menu Cross-Reference is created. If the Program Cross-Reference file is rebuilt for any object library in the selected environment, the Env.
    ironment Driver File must be recreated.

  6. Define user profiles.
    All user profiles to be managed within the environment must be created. They can be entered individually or created in batch. Each profile must exist on the AS/400 and within the F0092 file for that environment. You have completed the Initial Data Collection process. Now you can begin managing user authority overrides.

Further documentation can be found from the following link. Select the Documentation link.


Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB26152