How do I grant privileges to a role in VigilEnt Database Security Manager for Oracle? (NETIQKB26099)

  • 7726099
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


How do I grant privileges to a role in VigilEnt Database Security Manager for Oracle?

VigilEnt Database Security Manager for Oracle 3.3 SR3


Once you create a role, you must grant privileges to it. Granting privileges to an Oracle role is slightly different then granting privileges to a Sybase role.

To grant privileges to an Oracle role, follow these steps:

  1. Select Manage Oracle Roles from the Roles menu. The Manage Roles for Oracle dialog box appears.

  2. Select the server or servers that your role resides on from the Servers list.

  3. Select the name of the role you want to add privileges to from the Role pull-down list. The current privileges granted to the role are displayed.

  4. Select the radio button next to the type of privilege you want to grant from the Grant Type list. If you choose either Table, Synonym, or View, a list of privileges appears. You must select which type of privileges you want to grant on the particular object-type you choose. VigilEnt Database Security Manager for Oracle's With Grant option is the same as Oracle?s Admin Option.

  5. Click Grant. A pick list appears. To narrow down the list of privileges you are looking for, specify a filter criterion in the Search Pattern box before you click Grant.

  6. Select the privilege or privileges you want to add to the role. To select several items at the same time, hold down CTRL while you select your items.

  7. Click OK. Your privilege or privileges appear in the list below the name of the role.

  8. Click Close. The Manage Roles for Oracle dialog box closes.

To grant privileges to a Sybase role:

  1. Select Manage Sybase Roles from the Roles menu. The Manage Roles for Sybase dialog box appears.

  2. Select the server or servers that your role resides on from the Servers list.

  3. Select the name of the role you want to add privileges to from the Role pull-down list. The current privileges granted to the role are displayed.

  4. Select from the Grant Type pull-down menu. If you choose Table, a list of privileges appears. You must select which type of privileges you want to grant on the tables you choose.

  5. Click Grant. A pick list appears. To narrow down the list of privileges you are looking for, specify a filter criterion in the Search Pattern box before you click Grant.

  6. Select the privilege or privileges you want to add to the role. To select several items at the same time, hold down CTRL while you select your items.

  7. Click OK. Your privilege or privileges appear in the list below the name of the role.

  8. Click Close. The Manage Roles for Sybase dialog box closes.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB26099