Error: 'Page cannot be displayed' received or blank right-hand pane displayed in the MMC If Director (NETIQKB26066)

  • 7726066
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60

Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

Error: 'Page cannot be displayed' received or blank right-hand pane displayed in the MMC If Directory and Resource Administrator is Installed on a .Net (Windows 2003) Server


If the Directory and Resource Administrator server and web components are installed on a Windows 2003 (.Net) server, the right side of the interface may display the following symptoms when attempting to launch the MMC console:

  • Blank white pane.
  • An error indicating that 'The page cannot be displayed'.


Launching the DRA Web Console may generate the following error message:

  •  'The page cannot be displayed.'

These symptoms are a result of the default IIS configuration settings in Windows 2003.  ASP pages are, by default, disabled in Windows 2003.


To enable ASP pages on a Windows 2003 server, please perform the following steps on the IIS server running the DRA Web Component:

  1. Launch Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Expand the server_name node.
  3. Select Web Service Extensions
  4. Highlight Active Server Pages and click Allow.
  5. Expand the Web Sites node.
  6. Select the Default Web Site node.
  7. Select Properties from the Action drop-down menu.
  8. Select the Home Directory tab and click Configuration....
  9. Select the Options tab in the Application Configuration window.
  10. Ensure that Enable parent paths is selected.
  11. Ensure that VBScript is specified in the Default ASP language: field
  12. Click OK.


The following Knowledge Base article describes another issue that may occur when the DRA server component is installed on a Windows 2003 machine:

  • NETIQKB28001: Assistant Admins are prompted for a username and password when launching the MMC or Web console and connecting to  Directory and Resource Administrator server on a Windows 2003 machine.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB26066