What is a template used for in VigilEnt Password Manager for Sybase? (NETIQKB25959)

  • 7725959
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


What is a template used for in VigilEnt Password Manager for Sybase?

VigilEnt Password Manager for Sybase 3.0 SR2

VigilEnt Password Manager for Sybase 3.0 SP3

VigilEnt Password Manager for Sybase 3.1


Templates give you a quick and easy way to manage all of the identity and security attributes for a group of users.

One of the advantages of a template is that it lets you set attributes for a group of several users, all at the same time, instead of setting attributes for each individual user. When you design a template, you should make stricter security attributes for more classified information. For example, you may want payroll clerks to change their passwords every week, while making everyone else in the department change passwords only once a month.

The easiest way to manage this task is to create two templates, one for the payroll clerks and one for the rest of the department. By creating these two templates, you have to set the security attributes only twice - once for payroll clerks and once for the rest of the department. Each template applies the new attributes to all users who are members of that template (workgroup). This saves you time and effort, because you do not have to update each individual user.

To learn more about how to create a template in VigilEnt Password Manager for Sybase, please refer to the following knowledge base article.


Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB25959