How do I create my own Policy Library in VigilEnt Policy Center? (NETIQKB25418)

  • 7725418
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 25-Jan-2008


How do I create my own Policy Library in VigilEnt Policy Center?

VigilEnt Policy Center 2.0.5

VigilEnt Policy Center 2.0.6 SR3

VigilEnt Policy Center 2.1

VigilEnt Policy Center 2.1 SP2

VigilEnt Policy Center 2.1 SP3

VigilEnt Policy Center 2.1 SP4

VigilEnt Policy Center 2.1 SP6

VigilEnt Policy Center 3.0

A Policy Library can only be created by VigilEnt Policy Center (VPC) Administrator or Power User with the VPC Policy editor (NOT WITH THE HTML EDITOR).  To create your own Policy Center, please complete the following steps:

1.  Create a document in the VPC Policy editor and save it.  

2.  Go to the View / Edit Policy tab, you will now see the document you just created.

2.  Export the file you just created using xml as the export type.  By default, it will export to: C:\Program Files\PentaSafe\VigilEnt Policy Center\server\(your file name)

3.  Edit the xml file

  • Change line 3 from:

<POLICY_DOCUMENT title="Policy Lib" availableFrom="2003-03-31" availableTo="2004-03-31" createDate="2003-03-31" updateDate="2003-03-31" author="John Doe" locked="false" docType="User Document" docState="Draft">

<POLICY_DOCUMENT title="Policy Lib" createDate="2003-03-31" updateDate="2003-03-31" author="John Doe" docType="Policy Document Library" docState="System">

The changes are:

  • Remove the availableFrom and availableTo properties
  • Remove the locked property
  • Change the doctype from User Document to Policy Document Library
  • Change the docState from 'Draft' to 'System'

4.  Save the file

5.  Now go to Policy Center | Policy Library | Library (tab)

  • Click on the Import icon and import the newly edited library file (xml) it will now reside in the list of libraries and can be accessed as an option.   
  • You can now go to Policy Center | View/Edit Policy | Draft (tab) and delete the library that was created here (from steps 1 and 2) to avoid confusion

a.  If in the HTML Editor click on View Library to paste here icon or if in the xml editor click on the From Library link

b.  In Library window click on Browse link and you will see the new library listed under Source Documents

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB25418