What is the purpose and description of each of the Directory and Resource Administrator jobs running (NETIQKB25219)

  • 7725219
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


What is the purpose and description of each of the Directory and Resource Administrator jobs running in the Task Manager?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.40

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.50

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60


Opening Task Manager on a Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) server will reveal that there are four jobs generated by DRA.  These four jobs are on every DRA server but their functionality depends on the role of the DRA server (Primary versus Secondary).


  • MmReplicateJob  ? This job runs the synchronization process on a Primary DRA server.  On a Secondary server this job does nothing.
  • MmSecondaryCacheRefreshJob ? This job runs the refresh operation on a Secondary server.  This job is a back up job in case the call from the Primary to the Secondary to load in the Replication files fails.
  • PingMmServersJob - This job runs a ping operation to all the Multi-Master servers, checking if the machines are available.
  • ResourceProviderCacheRefresh ? This job performs a Resource Cache refresh on all managed domains.

DRA version 7.0 and later has removed the dependency for the NT Task scheduler and therefore these jobs will no longer show up or run using the NT task scheduler.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB25219