How does Domain Migration Administrator translate security for an account may have multiple profiles (NETIQKB25004)

  • 7725004
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 10-Jun-2008


How does Domain Migration Administrator translate security for an account may have multiple profiles on the computer being migrated and may be in multiple source domains?

Domain Migration Administrator 7.x


There are a couple of possible results you could see:

  1. If you translate security in Add mode, the target account will receive the profile of the first account to be translated. 

    • If you then try to translate security in Add mode for another account that maps to the same target account, you will receive a message that "Profile for target_username already existed and will not be overwritten".

  2. If you translate security for user profiles in Replace mode, Domain Migration Administrator (DMA) replaces the profile with each pass of the security translation. Therefore, the target user will have access to the profile of the last account that was translated

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB25004