Unable to check out Knowledge Scripts from the AppManager operator console when the script name begins with a hyphen. (NETIQKB24913)

  • 7724913
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Mar-2011


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x


Unable to check out Knowledge Scripts from the AppManager operator console when the script name begins with a hyphen.
For example Error Failed to check out KS '-NT_Report_PrinterHealth'. err code -1


As a workaround, please use the command line utility with a wildcard in place of the hyphen.  From a command prompt type kscheckout ? for help on the use of this command line utility.

Example, to checkout the KS -Test_Down:

C:\Documents and Settings\appmanager>kscheckout -e qdbserver:qdb:sa:sapassword -d c:\
temp -k *test_down:4:
        KS_name is '*test_down'
        version is '4'
        KS filepath is set by default
        checkout KS to


The application kscheckout.exe, called when checking out a knowledge script from the console, interprets the hyphen in the knowledge script name as a parameter causing the error.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB24913

The drawback for this workaround is that for any other Knowledge Script that has a string before the category will also be checked out.