How is the Virtual Memory column calculated in the AppManager console for the details tab of the mem (NETIQKB24836)

  • 7724836
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 04-Nov-2010


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x


How is the Virtual Memory column calculated in the AppManager console for the details tab of the memory object?
Virtual memory column in the operator console not calculating virtual memory from the system paging file (pagefile.sys).


According to Microsoft the "Total Virtual Memory" figure indicates, which we use to determine this virtual memory column, the size of the process address space.  Under Windows NTkernel, this figure is always 128 KB short of 2 GB, since Windows NT protects the 64 KB at the start and end of the process' 2 GB private address space.  The particular function call used to pull this number is a Microsoft API call named GlobalMemoryStatus.  More in depth information about this function call can be found under Microsoft knowledgebase article Q177372 or from Microsoft's Technet site at

To determine the page file size (pagefile.sys) on the server highlight the NT object for "Paging Files" under the "Memory" object.  This will report the size of pagefile.sys file the last time the Discovery_NT knowledge script was run.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB24836